
Neami Port Lincoln

  • Community connection and wellbeing
  • Mental health and wellbeing
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About Neami Port Lincoln

Neami Port Lincoln provides Commonwealth Psychosocial Support (CPS) services. The program is designed for people living with severe mental health challenges who will not be supported by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

CPS offers short-term support focussing on receiving practical help and coaching to identify strengths, build resilience and increase connection in the community.

Using a recovery focus, we support people at the times when they most need it.

Who is this for?

This service is available to people who:

  • are aged 16 and over
  • have a serious mental health challenge
  • are not eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
  • require short-term support
  • live in Port Lincoln or surrounding areas.

What to expect

Commonwealth Psychosocial Support

CPS offers short-term support focussing on receiving practical help and coaching to identify strengths, build resilience and increase connection in the community. Using a recovery focus, we support people at the times when they most need it.

An experienced mental health support worker will spend time with people to help:

  • look after their mental and physical health
  • achieve recovery goals through face-to-face and phone coaching
  • reduce the need for hospital services
  • reach out to the people in their life, who can support recovery goals, such as, carers or family members, GP or other health professionals

We help people to build the confidence and develop the skills to achieve the life they want. The support you receive is based on your needs and preferences.

An organised approach towards recovery

We coordinate with the people involved in your care to get you the right service and can include:

  • clinicians
  • health care providers
  • carers
  • family members
  • other significant persons.

Clinical Care Coordination

Clinical Care Coordinators work with you and your GP to plan and access the right support for your wellbeing.

Together, we find the right level of care at the right time to help you get better and work towards recovery.

Clinical Care Coordination is a free service.

Over three months, a Clinical Care Coordinator supports you to:

  • determine your needs
  • develop a coordinated care plan
  • monitor your general health needs
  • work with services that provide long-term support
  • access one-to-one counselling sessions.

After connecting with the right services, the Clinical Care Coordinator will follow up with you and your service providers to ensure the services are effective.

How to access this service

Referrals can be made by individuals (self-referral), carers, family or friends, mental health professionals, GP or other health care providers.

Referrals and consent must be discussed with the individual prior to making the referral.

We encourage referrals from people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, youth and refugees.


Contact our service during opening hours to make a referral.

Call us on 1300 171 852

You can email through your referral to:

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This service is delivered by Neami National and funded by Country SA PHN

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