
Our approach

We take a recovery-based and evidence-informed approach to providing inclusive and person-centred support.

Evidence-informed practice

Our Collaborative Relational Practice (CRP) has been designed to guide our approach across all of our services and programs. It reflects the best of what people value about us, and helps us to sustain our culture and values.

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The value of lived experience

We understand and respect the value of lived experience. Peer work, participation and co-design enrich the development and delivery of our services.

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Safe and high-quality services

Our commitment to quality and safety ensures that the services we offer are safe for consumers and our staff.

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Commitment to diversity and inclusion

Neami is committed to cultivating inclusive environments for staff, consumers and carers.

Children and young people

We commit to providing accessible and safe physical and online environments for all children and young people.

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Working in partnership

Working with other organisations allows us to offer something new to benefit consumers and the community. By collaborating, we can offer holistic services with a ‘no wrong door’ approach to access and support.

The strength of Neami’s commitment to productive partnerships is highlighted by the inclusion of ‘Building collective knowledge and partnerships’, as one of our organisational Strategic Directions focusing on:

  • purposeful partnerships outside our sector
  • stronger and more purposeful partnerships inside our sector
  • expanded and improved funder partnerships.

Sharing knowledge and expertise with community and clinical services helps everyone to understand how to best support good mental health and build awareness of our services.

At Neami, we are proud to be known for our strong collaborative relationships with the organisations, communities and people that support better health and wellbeing outcomes.

Our current partnerships span sectors and states and include successful working partnerships with hospitals, clinical mental health services, non-government services, universities and private sector organisations.

Are you (or anyone you know) in a crisis and need immediate help?
Emergency ambulance, fire or police
24 hr crisis support & suicide prevention