
About Neami National

We walk alongside people to help improve their quality of life on their terms.

Hello, we’re Neami.

We’re big believers in everyone having the opportunity to live a full life – and we give our all to support people to achieve the wellbeing and mental health outcomes that matter to them.

Everyone has different needs and aspirations, and at Neami, we get it. 

We put people at the centre of everything we do, and we walk alongside them to achieve the wellbeing and mental health outcomes that matter to them.

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Our Vision

For all people in Australia living with mental health and wellbeing challenges to live a life that is meaningful to them.

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Our Purpose

To support people to achieve mental health and wellbeing outcomes that matter to them, through access to the resources and opportunities they need.

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Our Values

Our values define who we are and guide the way we operate.

They are fundamental to our identity, and we align all our actions with them:

  • Connecting
  • Collaborating
  • Learning
  • Belonging.
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Our Strategic Directions 2024-2028

Our Strategic Directions set our goals and priorities to bring our vision to life and fulfill our purpose.

Social Impact Strategy: Our Vision for Change 2024 – 2034

Our Social Impact Strategy outlines the difference we want to make in the world – it’s our 10-year ambition for impact.

Supporting many across Australia.

Small enough to listen. Big enough to speak up.

people supported
services across Australia
people employed

Our work

At Neami, we aspire to place lived and living experience at the heart of what we do. We strive to learn from personal experiences of mental health and or adversity to grow and design better programs and services. 

We know the mental health system can work better. So, as one of Australia’s largest mental health specialists, we use our voice to fight for change and system improvements that will benefit all Australians. 

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Our team

From peer support workers to psychologists – we are not just ‘staff’ or ‘case workers’. We’re people. People who listen; people who care; people who come from different backgrounds – including people who have walked their own mental health journey.

We’re people who believe that wellbeing and quality of life are possible for everyone in different ways 

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Indigenous Governance Principles

The implementation of Indigenous Governance Principles across the organisation and our programs is a key focus for Neami. The principles look to address the issues of power and ownership imbalance so that we may ‘bridge the gap. 

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Growing an inclusive environment for all

We understand that safe, accessible and culturally responsive services and workplaces, require a whole-of-organisation approach that celebrates, values and includes people of all backgrounds, identities, cultures and experiences. 

We believe working in this way makes our teams, services and organisation stronger and more effective. 

Are you (or anyone you know) in a crisis and need immediate help?
Emergency ambulance, fire or police
24 hr crisis support & suicide prevention