
Get in touch

We support individuals living with mental health challenges to achieve outcomes they value.

Are you (or anyone you know) in a crisis and need immediate help?
Emergency ambulance, fire or police
24 hr crisis support & suicide prevention

Service information

Neami services

The best place to find out about our services is our service finder.

It contains information about all Neami’s services, their contact details and their referral processes.

Feedback and complaints

Feedback and complaints

Contact the team to provide feedback or make a complaint.
We will respond directly to resolve issues in a timely manner.

Find out more about our feedback and complaints

General enquiries

Neami Head Office

For all corporate enquiries regarding Neami.

4-8 Water Road, Preston VIC 3072 Directions

Media and communications enquiries

For marketing, website and social media enquiries.
Logo pack for partners

Neami has a refreshed brand. Partners are encouraged to download a new logo pack which includes instructions. 

Download file Download the logo pack [ZIP 32 MB]
For media enquiries.
Rebecca Hannon, Communications Lead