Neami Seven Hills
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About this service
Neami Seven Hills provides individual recovery support for mental illness and mental health needs in the Western Sydney area.
We support people in their recovery while also helping them to strengthen their connections to the community and support networks.
On this page
About Neami Seven Hills
What to expect
Community Outreach Support
Home and community outreach support involves a support worker and consumer identifying their strengths, values and goals and then working together to achieve or make progress towards them.
Each person develops a clearly defined plan of areas they have chosen to focus on, based on their existing values and strengths. Our role is to help them achieve their goals.
The amount of support varies depending on each person’s level of need and the funding program they are funded through.
Community and group programs
We provide a variety of group programs in all states that bring together people receiving support from us around areas of common interest or need. This includes our own group programs, Flourish and the Optimal Health program.
These groups might be focused on health issues or they might address people’s goals or aspirations for the future. The common thread is that they are there to provide both guided and peer support to help people pursue their health and wellbeing goals.
We aim wherever possible to connect people with mainstream community programs to support greater community connection and independence.
The Way Back
The Way Back program is an aftercare service for people who have attempted suicide or experienced a suicidal crisis. It provides non-clinical care and practical support for up to three months.
This service if free for participants.
Programs at this service
How to access this service
Call us
You can call our service during opening hours. Your call with our staff will be confidential.