
Neami Merrylands

  • Community connection and wellbeing
  • Mental health and wellbeing

Location info

91 Merrylands Road, Merrylands NSW 2160
Darug country
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About Neami Merrylands

Neami Merrylands provides individual recovery support to people experiencing mental health challenges in the Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD).

We support you in your recovery while also strengthening your connections to your community and support networks. We work with you to identify your own strengths, values, and goals to help you to move towards the life you want.

Who is this for?

To access this service you must be:

  • Aged 16 years and older;
  • Diagnosed with having a mental illness or engaged with the WSLHD Mental Health Service;
  • Currently residing in stable accommodation (or have a current pathway to achieve this);
  • Have a willingness to engage in a flexible support program;
  • Live in the local Western Sydney area.

What to expect

The Enhanced Adult Community Living Supports Program (CLS)

The CLS program provides you with flexible, community-based support so you can:

  • Better engage with your own recovery journey;
  • Enhance your physical health and wellbeing, and;
  • Participate in your community of choice.

Outreach support for greater independence

Together with WSLHD, we support you if you’re being admitted to or leaving hospital or a care unit. We help you to put together a plan to successfully transition back into your community and avoid a relapse.

Bridging and transition support

We work with you when you’re first admitted to the hospital or care unit to establish what services and supports you need to lead a fulfilling life when you get back to your community.

If it’s required, we can also provide support for Acute Care Pathways.

Group programs

We provide a variety of group programs in all states that bring together people receiving support from us around areas of common interest or need.

These groups might be focused on health issues or they might address people’s goals or aspirations for the future. The common thread is that they are there to provide both guided and peer support to help people pursue their health and wellbeing goals.

We aim wherever possible to connect people with mainstream community programs to support greater community connection and independence.

The Way Back

The Way Back program is an aftercare service for people who have attempted suicide or experienced a suicidal crisis. It provides non-clinical care and practical support for up to three months.

Programs at this service

How to access this service

Email us

Referrals can be made via our central intake system:

Call us

You can call our service during opening hours. Your call with our staff will be confidential.

Call us on 02 8416 1130
Send us a message

You can also send us a message online.

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Contact Neami Merrylands
91 Merrylands Road, Merrylands NSW 2160
Darug country
Send us a message


Outreach support is provided through the NSW Government’s Housing and Accommodation Support Initiative (HASI).

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