  • Profile

Keren Wolstencroft

Research Co-ordinator – Service Development

Keren’s (she/her) present role in the Research & Evaluation team is primarily centred around supporting the development and implementation of Neami’s approach to practice (Collaborative Relational Practice). She is guided by a transformative research ethic – finding ways to improve or reshape our ways of living together and with all that exists.

She is attentive towards the sometimes more hidden or less privileged ways of knowing and enquiry (for example Lived and Living Experience, Indigenous, cross-cultural, critical) and appreciates their ability to extend and open-up to different ways of seeing and responding to the challenges of today.

Her interest and experience in research and evaluation leans towards participatory qualitative enquiry and covers all stages from design, data gathering, analysis, theory development, sharing findings and making recommendations for practice.

Research Projects 

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