Perth Metro Suicide Prevention Coordination (SPC)
Location info
Monday - Friday
8:30am - 5pm
Public Holidays
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About this service
The Suicide Prevention Coordination team works to build community capacity to prevent and respond to suicide.
About Perth Metro Suicide Prevention Coordination
Suicide Prevention Coordinator roles include:
Network support and development
Bringing government, service providers and the community together.
Identify what suicide prevention training is required in communities and promote available training.
Suicide prevention activity
Engage and support community suicide prevention events and activities.
Improving postvention responses and care for those affected by suicide and suicide attempts, including support for interagency responses in meeting the needs of those bereaved.
Think Mental Health
Work with the community to promote the Think Mental Health campaign message.
How to access this service
Key projects
Perth Metro Suicide Prevention Coordinators Flyer
[PDF] 334 KB
Aftercare Supports Following A Suicide Attempt
This booklet is designed to support individuals discharged from the hospital, following an attempt on their life.
[PDF] 409 KB
[PDF] 409 KB
Community Group/Club Suicide and Mental Health Awareness Guide
A beginner guide for volunteers and community groups on how to support mental health and talk about suicide within your network.
[PDF] 526 KB
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A Guide for Parents – Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health
A guide for carers on how to support your child’s mental health and how to talk to them about challenges. Also includes some resources and links to information on seeking help.
[PDF] 450 KB
[PDF] 450 KB
Safety and Public Memorials Following Suicide
A guide for community on how to remember a loved one who has died by suicide safely and respectfully in a way that will reduce the risk of causing further harm to those in attendance.
[PDF] 302 KB
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Support for Suicide Bereavement
The loss of someone to suicide is especially difficult. This brochure has been prepared to provide you with specialised information and support.
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Supports After Suicide or Sudden Loss
A guide increase awareness amongst both the general community and professionals of the many supports available to people bereaved by suicide and sudden loss.
[PDF] 691 KB
[PDF] 691 KB
Partnership Activity Plan 2023
SPC Small grant application form for non profits and community groups seeking support for events or training.
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[DOC] 73 KB
Perth Metro Suicide Prevention Newsletter
Bi-monthly newsletter
Join our newsletter for the latest suicide prevention news and updates.
Training Calendar newsletter
Stay up-to-date with the latest training calendar.
Contact Perth Metro Suicide Prevention Coordination
This service is not a crisis response service. If you require crisis support, please call 000 or Lifeline 13 11 14.
Monday – Friday
8:30am – 5pm
Public Holidays