
Neami supports the Not Before Time: Lived Experience-Led Justice and Repair report

16 June 2023
Neami supports the Not Before Time: Lived Experience-Led Justice and Repair report, released earlier this week.

Content warning: the Not Before Time Report contains discussions of significant trauma.

The report advises the Victorian Government on the best options for acknowledging the harm caused by the mental health system to consumers and survivors, and families, carers and supporters. Authored by Simon Katterl, along with other consumer, survivor, family member, carer and supporter co-authors, the report highlights that to achieve system reform, it is important to understand where we have been and that learning from our past is vital to create a better future.

The report reinforces the importance of implementing the recommendations of the Royal Commission in reforming the mental health system.

We acknowledge the harm done to people within the mental health system and recognise the central importance of truth-telling and sharing lived and living experience to heal and learn.

We commend Simon Katterl and all the report’s contributors on the release of this important piece of work.