Neami is pleased to announce we have been selected as the lead provider for the Victorian Local Adult and Older Adult Mental Health and Wellbeing Services in Latrobe City and the City of Whittlesea, following our successful response to the call for submission.
The services, are a significant investment from the Victorian Government in the reform of the mental health and wellbeing system to deliver the vision and recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. Latrobe will launch in the coming months and Whittlesea later this year.
Neami Local Services are an innovative solution to deliver on the compelling vision outlined through the recommendations of the Royal Commission.
Whittlesea Local Service will be delivered in partnership with Drummond Street Services (Drummond St), Uniting and the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service.
Latrobe Local Service will be delivered in partnership with Uniting and Drummond St.
Both services bring together organisations that are leading providers with extensive experience and success in the delivery of community-based care.
The services will provide on-site, telehealth and outreach mental health and wellbeing supports, take a ‘no wrong door’ approach, be peer support orientated and informed by co-design forums and working closely with partners and the local community.
Deep and purposeful community collaboration is at the heart of our service model. We will provide a community-based and driven model of care to support a contemporary, joined-up, accessible, and reliable mental health system. These innovative co-designed services will put lived experience at the heart and reflect the diversity and needs of the communities we serve.
We look forward to sharing more on these services as they roll out.
Further info about the new Local Services.