
Mental Health Grants Provide Mental Health relief to vulnerable communities in WA during COVID-19

28 May 2020
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Neami National’s Perth Metropolitan Suicide Prevention Coordination (SPC) have provided Grant funding for 35 unique community focused mental health and suicide prevention initiatives during COVID-19.


The Grants create accessible, safe in-home and online programs to support mental health in vulnerable communities across Western Australia.

Under normal circumstances the Perth Metro SPC work closely with the community to facilitate partnerships, events, education and training to promote mental health and suicide prevention. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 all planned face-to-face activities were cancelled. A rapid change of response was required to support vulnerable community members at greater risk of experiencing negative mental health outcomes as a result of COVID-19 and social isolation measures.

Alison Clements, Manager, Suicide Prevention Coordination said, “we responded to this situation by asking grass roots organisations what they needed to mitigate the negative mental health impacts of Coronavirus on vulnerable communities by keeping them supported and engaged.”

Almost $60,000 of grant funding has been allocated to 35 groups, with applications now closed.

For more information contact spc.metro@neaminational.org.au

The WA Community Health Grants Program is supported by funding from Think Mental Health through the West Australian Mental Health Commission.

For information and resources to support mental health and wellbeing through the COVID-19 pandemic visit the Think Mental Health website.

Grants Funded to Date

Africa World Books Community Education Inc.

Culturally appropriate virtual education sessions for the South Sudanese community on maintaining physical and mental health during COVID-19.

Alnoor Community Language Inc.

Virtual wellbeing education sessions for Arabic-speaking students and their families.

Alzheimer’s WA

A mental health awareness and education campaign for carers of people living with dementia, including COVID-19 information brochures and online group discussions on key mental health awareness days.

Bindoon Mobile Recovery Campaign Inc.

Support for mobile mental health and suicide awareness education to people who are at risk of homelessness and under employed.

Read more about the campaign via Bindoon Mobile Recovery’s Facebook page.

Catch Music

Online music mentoring sessions, offering opportunities for individuals to collaborate with other musicians in a virtual capacity.

Chorus Australia – Ability Arts

‘Art Club’ – a free subscription service providing creative activity packs to people living with disability by post and virtual video tutorials on mental health and wellbeing.

Read more about the Ability Arts Program in the Mandurah Mail.

Chorus Australia

Virtual suicide prevention training and a monthly mailout including a newsletter, shared stories and mental health information to seniors and others living with a disability and mental ill-health.

City of Bayswater

Virtual mental health and suicide prevention training for leaders of community groups and small businesses to support staff and customers during and after the pandemic.

City of Mandurah – Youth Services

Provision of internet services to support at-risk youth to engage in online schooling.

Climate Justice Union

Co-design of a well-being and mental health support process for young volunteers.

Virtual suicide prevention training.

Clontarf Aboriginal College

R U OK week events/activities for the College students including culturally relevant activities and events.

Connection and Wellbeing Australia (CAWA)

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) virtual event bringing together metropolitan and regional communities.

Peer workers in Aboriginal, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, Seniors, Youth, Disability and LGBTIQ+ organisations

Virtual suicide prevention training.

Corner Gallery and Little Wing Collective

Design and distribution of a community resource to promote mental health and wellbeing via small businesses and community groups in metropolitan Perth.

Curtin University and Warnbro Community High School

Videos and social media posts created by Warnbro Community High School students to promote resilience and recovery amongst young people in the Peel region.


Providing a toll-free peer support telephone service and to run virtual groups to maintain the mental health and wellbeing of at-risk groups including LGBTQI+, youth, men, seniors, people who are self-isolating, people who are under employed and those without internet access.

EdConnect Australia

Providing a professional development webinar focussing on Child Mental Health & Wellbeing, for up to 600 volunteers working with school students aged 6-15

Fremantle Weavers Studio

Online craft sessions for vulnerable seniors and women who are self-isolating.

Hello Initiative

Providing mobile phone services to ensure youth in the justice system stay connected with support workers.

Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services

At-home mental health and wellbeing activities provided by post including children’s activity sheets, material for parents on COVID-19, craft/cooking, and language worksheets.

Joondalup RSLWA Sub-branch (Returned and Services League of Western Australia)

‘Tackling the Blues’ project including virtual groups, mental health presentations care pack including a blue poppy to promote discussion around post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.

Life Without Barriers

Weekly in-home programs to support mental health and wellbeing including cooking, art therapy and health and fitness.

Mission Australia – Youth Accommodation Support Services

Mental health and wellbeing activities and equipment for young people in crisis accommodation.

Peel Volunteer Resource Centre

R U OK? Day event to assist community with recovery through conversations and activities.

Pride in Peel

LGBTQI+ IDAHOBIT week events, forums and community support in the Peel region.

Online suicide prevention training for community volunteers and members.

Shire of Mundaring with Mundaring Arts Centre and Mundaring Camera Club

‘Explore and Expose’ photography competition promoting community engagement and wellbeing. Exhibition launches on R U OK? Day

SMP Lifeskills2work

Online mental health and wellbeing groups including fitness sessions, art classes, social support and cooking.

St. Vincent De Paul Society WA – Passages Youth Engagement Hub

Self-care packages for young people with histories of trauma, including sensory tools to support their affect and emotional regulation.

Te Urupu Indigenous, Maori and Pacific Island Community Development Inc.

‘COVID-19 Wellness Recovery and Mindfulness Packages’ delivered to 50 vulnerable families in Rockingham/Kwinana including puzzles, colouring, mental health and physical health resources and information and art supplies for positive message to gift to a neighbour by post.

Te Urupu Indigenous, Maori and Pacific Island Community Development Inc. and Ngalla Yorga Waangkan Inc.

‘We Care Packages’ including sanitiser, toilet paper, food supplies, activities for children and information about mental health and wellbeing activities and resources delivered to 50 vulnerable Aboriginal families in Kwinana.

The Ellenbrook Mile

Oral history project collecting local stories of community diversity, strength and resilience to release on R U OK? Day.

Town of Victoria Park

Mental health and suicide prevention training for relevant staff and volunteers of local not-for-profit organisations.

WA All Abilities Football Association

Online training and motivational sessions delivered to footballers living with disability.

Westerly Family Centre

R U OK Day community event led by a working group of consumers of the Westerly Family Centre. Development of ‘Staying Connected’ resource to provide to event attendees.

Women’s Health and Family Services

Support for clients of the ‘Nurturing Families’ program (outreach service for women who are current or historic substance user) to maintain contact and engagement with support staff during isolation.

Youth Focus Inc.

‘Positivi-tea’ Wellness Packs for young people and their carers to encourage dialogues about wellbeing and mental health to maintain and build resilience.