- Australia-wide
- New South Wales
- Northern Territory
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Victoria
- Western Australia
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Commission is an independent organisation that works to protect and promote the basic human rights and freedoms that all humans are entitled to.
National Mental Health Care Commission
The Commission acts to protect public health and safety by dealing with complaints about mental health service providers.
The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
The Commissioner has complaint handling responsibilities under the Privacy Act 1988. Individuals can complain if they believe their privacy has been interfered with by an government agency or a private sector organisation covered by the Act.
Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency
This agency assists with investigating concerns about registered health practitioners, such as doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals.
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care contributes to better health outcomes and experiences for all patients and consumers.
New South Wales
Health Care Complaints Commission
The Commission’s Inquiry Service handles inquiries from people who are concerned about the quality of the health care provided to them or to a family member or friend. The service also responds to questions from health service providers in relation to complaints.
NSW Department of Health
NSW Health delivers safe, high-quality and compassionate healthcare to the people of NSW.
NSW Consumer Advisory Group – Mental Health Inc.
The NSW Consumer Advisory Group – Mental Health Inc. (NSWCAG) is the statewide, non-government peak body that represents people who use mental health services (mental health consumers) to all levels of the NSW Government.
NSW Legal Aid
Legal Aid NSW is a state-wide independent government agency that helps people in NSW with their legal problems.
Mental Health Advocacy Service
This service is a part of Legal Aid NSW and provides legal help and advice about mental health matters.
Northern Territory
Health and Community Services Complaints Commission
The NT Health and Community Services Complaints Commission handle complaints of all health, disability and aged care services.