Neami Noble Park YRRS
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About this service
Neami’s Noble Park Youth Residential Recovery Service (YRRS) is a mental health recovery program delivered in a residential setting, designed for young people aged 16 to 25.
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About Neami Noble Park YRRS
What to expect
Young people live on site while undertaking the program for a negotiated time (for a maximum of 12 months). During this time, we work with you in key areas of self-development so that you feel capable and confident to live a life that has meaning and purpose.
Some areas of self-development can include:
- Self-responsibility
- Understanding behaviours and emotions
- Self-care
- Enhanced coping skills
- Independent living skills.
Our YRRS program may also assist you to develop and maintain links with your local community, family and social networks, and support you to pursue educational and vocational opportunities.
The service is run by a multi-disciplinary team of community support workers, including people with a lived experience of mental health recovery and a service manager.
There are weekly fees/costs for participants.
Participants can stay for a maximum of 12 months.