
Sustaining Tenancies in Social Housing

Sustaining Tenancies in Social Housing (STSH) assists people living in the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Social Housing to maintain their tenancy and increase their overall wellbeing.

What is Sustaining Tenancies in Social Housing?

The STSH team works closely with the Strawberry Hills DCJ Housing office assisting tenants to access support, brokerage, advocacy, and other services.

Using a shared-care approach, we work with organisations around the region to support people at risk of homelessness to help maintain their tenancy and improve wellbeing.

STSH referrals are directly from the Specialised Tenancy Team within DCJ Housing Strawberry Hills.

Reasons for referral to the STSH program can include:

  • rental arrears
  • property care concerns
  • hoarding behaviours and people living in squalor environments
  • anti-social behaviour warnings
  • property damage
  • unmet psychosocial needs
  • assistance with transfers, subsidies, or other housing processes.

Helping to make positive changes

We help people sustain tenancies by offering support tailored to address complex factors impacting an individual’s life, including domestic and family violence, mental health, disability and trauma.

Through this housing-first approach to homelessness, we see people supported to make meaningful changes to their lives and develop connections to their community.

Making homefulness a real option

Securing long-term housing is an essential foundation for recovery and growth across many areas of health and wellbeing, including mental health.

While housing is part of the solution, we aim to foster a sense of homefulness where people feel they belong, are safe, connected and can do the things that matter in their lives.

Working in partnership

We work in multi-disciplinary teams that draw from a range of housing and homelessness services, including collaborations with partner organisations across the state.

Together, use meaningful relationships with local health and community services to help people move from homelessness into long-term, stable housing while improving their overall wellbeing.

Supporting people to maintain a home

The STSH team may be in contact with service providers to assist in supporting our clients to maintain their homes, by requesting:

  • brokerage for arrears
  • financial counselling
  • support in accessing NDIS, or coordinating clients’ NDIS plan
  • cleaning support
  • furniture or material aid
  • food support
  • Psychological support services
  • Supportive family intervention services
  • Medical services, including Occupational Therapy, General Practitioners, etc.

Locations using this program