
WA Minister for Mental Health launches Albany Step Up Step Down

09 November 2018
Albany SUSD Launch
Neami’s newest Step Up Step Down service in Albany WA was officially launched by Hon. Roger Cook MLA, WA Mental Health Minister and Glen James, Neami WA State Manager.

Also in attendance at the launch was Hon. Alanna Clohesy, Parliamentary Secretary and Peter Watson, Member for Albany, amongst others.

The 24-hour six bed Albany service will provide short-term residential support to people following discharge from hospital or for those who are seeking additional mental health support to avoid the need for possible hospitalisation.

The Albany Step Up Step Down service extends Neami’s provision of this type of service in WA, with the successful 22-bed Joondalup Step Up Step Down service operating since March 2013 — at the time it was the first of its kind in WA.

Interviewed on ABC South West WA about the launch of this service, Glen James said, “to have a step up step down facility within the region and within the local community is absolutely wonderful. It means it is local care, you’re linking to your local community and it’s staffed by local staff. The health benefits of this support are magnified by not having to travel outside of Albany to access step up step down support.”