
Eat Plant Learn

Workshops on healthy and sustainable eating, including sessions on making your own wicking garden box, growing herbs, and learning to cook with fresh ingredients.

What is Eat Plant Learn?

Eat Plant Learn was developed by our Sustainability Team, in collaboration with the Health Promotion Team and a working group of staff and consumers.

It offers a range of opportunities for people to engage in sustainable activities that are relevant to their recovery goals. One such initiative is Eat Plant Learn.

Consumer quotes

“I knew nothing about growing my own food so it was a new thing for me. It was great learning how to grow plants.”

Consumer comment

“Before the program I knew nothing about growing my own food so it was a new thing for me. It was great learning how to grow plants with the support of Neami staff and other people.”

Consumer comment

“It was interesting to learn about different plants like coriander. I have coriander and tomatoes in my wicking boxes at home now. I like plants and I learnt a lot. Now I want to learn more.”

Consumer comment

“Eat Plant Learn is the first time some consumers have done such a hands-on practical program and have asked to come back and do it all again.”

Staff comment


Locations using this program